Gardening is an interesting hobby. When you have some nice vegetable pots you will derive lots of pleasure by watching their lush growth. At the same time, you will save money and will be able to cook vegetables picked up from your own home garden. But what if you live in an urban area and do not have enough space to spare? Square foot gardening is the answer. This new concept of gardening is nothing but growing your veggies in square shaped wooden boxes to use limited space to grow multiple vegetables. Out of the following ideas you could pick up one to create your square foot garden. The links are also available.
Square Foot Gardening
1. A well protected box for a small garden:
Boxes in which the plants are grown are 3 feet wide and 4 feet long. Made out of 5/4X5 cedar decking, they are attached to the ground with 18” – 24” lengths of ½” rebar. Strong nylon netting provides support for vines. There is the possibility to use netting to protect plants as well. These are cheap to make and easy to maintain. Get the details at organiclawndiy.

2. Boxes for large gardens:
In case you have a larger garden, your wooden squares for planting could be 8’ long and 3’ wide. Timber necessary could be scrap obtained from a nearby saw mill. Mixing seasoned horse manure, compost and soil will make up good square foot gardening soil. Diy square foot gardening by squawkfox.

3. Gardening for tight spaces:
Digging a 4’X 4’ bed and lining it with some wooden boards is the specialty with this one. In order to grow different crops in each square you could divide each side into 4 strips with some kind of wire to have 16 squares. Get the Plan at twobrosgardening.

4. No dig Square foot garden layout:
In this case, you never need to do any digging. The only need is to make some 4’X 4’ squares with wood and divide them into 16 equal squares with Twine. Plant your crops in these squares. This is cheap and easy to work with. Get the details of this Square foot gardening planting guide at no-dig-vegetablegarden.

5. Elevated square foot gardening:
This is a plan for a raised square foot garden plot. In this case a structure similar to a table is built in order to add soil mixture and plant the crops. The 4’X 4’ box is divided into 16 squares. The following square foot gardening pdf by provides you with details.

6. Green foot project:
You could buy everything you need to create a small garden consisting of two 48”X 48” boxes, all types of soil you need and other tidbits for just $130. It is a case of adding the soil into the boxes before planting your seeds or the plants. Square foot garden plan by

7. Plant spacing for novices:
Square foot gardening is a good way to do plant spacing. When you go to this link you could learn a lot on this subject. In order to have your little garden of this type you never need to have any previous experience either. Get the details at arcadia-farms.

8. Creating DIY garden beds:
It is a good idea to go for 4’ X 4’ garden beds if you are a novice. You only need to buy some cheap wood or get some of those ones that are given free and use a few basic tools to create your garden boxes. Get the detail of this Diy square foot garden at removeandreplace.

9. Use of templates to space plants:
When you need to have the perfect space between your plants you could create some templates. You could have several of them for different kinds of spacing. The link here tells you how to make them. Get the square foot planting templates at vegetablegardener.

10. Using 2’X 4’ configuration boxes:
In case you think you can manage, the possibility is there for you to have your own way with creating the boxes. Here, the boxes are narrower and they are more suitable for small gardens. You could use them for square foot gardening tomatoes conveniently with necessary adjustments when you turn out a suitable DIY trellis.
Get the instuctions at affordableschoolsonline.

11. Square foot gardening without wood:
For this type of gardening it is not a must to buy expensive wooden boxes. You could make your garden even with makeshift concrete structures. Pictures available in this square foot garden idea by welldonelandscaping provide evidence.

12. A garden plan for a large garden:
In this one, the boxes used are odd in size. The length of each box is 9½’ and the width is 4½’. Such boxes are fit for large gardens. When you go to the site you will be able to find some useful information on spacing of plants as well. Plant spacing guide at gardenplanner.almanac.

Ending Note
It looks that there is a lot of interest on square foot farming. It is time for you to try this new method of growing vegetables.
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