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10 Crucial Gardening Tools You Must Have For Your Garden Maintenance

Using the right tools is the most important aspect of good gardening. Unless you use the correct tool no job in the garden could be completed the way you want. Therefore, it is important to identify the various garden tools you are expected to use in order to maintain a beautiful garden.

      1-Garden hose with a watering wand

Watering plants could not be done without a good garden hose. It is a good idea to have a watering wand also attached to it in order to control your water supply. Buying one that comes with a coil is a better option as it will automatically turn the garden hose into a coil once a job is completed. Wand will save you from having to walk up to the spigot every time you need to shut off the water and to open the same.

Garden hose with a watering wand

      2-Saws For Cutting

If yours is a small garden, buying a saw with a curved blade is going to be sufficient and it could be bought in the garden equipment store. When you want to prune bigger branches of trees your saw will come in handy. In case you have a large garden you might need to buy an extra one as well. This could be a folding saw because it becomes compact when folded.

Garden tools Saws

      3-Scissors for Pruning 

A pair of scissors is a must have item in your gardening tools list. When you want to open packs of soil and when you want to harvest vegetables it will be the best tool to use. There will be the odd occasion when you need to snip a string as well. Buying one with strong blades and plastic handles is the best way to go.Scissors for plants

      4-Pruning shears

There is no way that you could use your scissors in place of pruning shears. They are tough and with one you could prune hard branches with just one snap. It is one of the essential garden hand tools you must have in your collection of tools. When you choose one it is a must to look at the blades to make sure that they are sharp.

Pruning shears for cutting
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      5-Rakes For Gardening

You may need more than one of these essential tools to be used in the garden. One of them could be used to collect leaves and mulch. There are also rakes designed to reach small corners and spaces under bushes. A hard rake will be useful to remove roots that are hard to remove. Rakes are tools used for making gardens look tidy and nice.

rakes for gardening

      6-Garden hoe

This is a versatile tool that could be used for removing roots left under the top soil. Also, it comes in handy when you want to do edging. Though there are different types of hoes just buying one is sufficient to maintain a small garden. Buying a loop hoe is the best option as it is more useful than others. It is a good gardening tool that will come in handy when you want to maintain your garden properly.

Garden tool hoe


There are different types of shovels and each of them is designed to do a different job. Therefore, having a few of them is going to be useful. They could be used for digging holes and removing soil. There are many other tasks for which they could be used. Due to the many tasks for which it is being used a shovel becomes one of the best gardening tools.

Shovels for gardening

      8-String trimmer

String trimmer is one of the garden power tools you need to have. It is able to complete the job where your lawn mower cannot reach. It could do trimming, edging and also it is able to cut tall grass. When you buy a gas powered one you could avoid the trouble of having to deal with wires.

String trimmer for gardening


When you have a lawn it is a must to have clean edges. This moon shaped tool is one of the important but often overlooked lawn tools. It is used for giving finishing touches to flower beds and the edges of your lawn. Though you could also buy a power edger this hand tool could do the job for a small garden.

lawn Edger for gardening


When you want to transfer soil from one place to another in your garden wheelbarrow comes in handy. When you have one of them even carrying one of those heavy bags of soil is not going to be a tough job. Since there are many models to choose from you could pick up the one that you prefer.

Wheelbarrow for gardening

These are just 10 of the most useful gardening tools you need to have in your possession. They could be purchased in any store that sells gardening supplies. They will not cost a lot either.

About Farhan Ahsan

My name is Farhan Ahsan,I am web enthusiast, writer and blogger. I always strive to be passionate about my work. I started my work at the beginning of 2007 by engaging myself with detail reading and exchanging information with others. Since then things and times have changed, but one thing remains the same and that is my passion for helping and educating people, building a successful blog and delivering quality content to the readers. I always love to write about gardening, sustainable life, off grid living and homestead farming.

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  1. Very nice article. I only have 4/10 tools : saw, string trimmer, watering wand and Shovels. After this article I will buy some more useful tool. LOL

  2. I was wondering if you knew anything about the hoe in the picture. I have been looking for one for ages and except for an Amish site that wants $50 I can’t find it anywhere. If you have any information on it please contact me.

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