A DIY swimming pool will help you keep cool this summer while leaving some money in your pocket so you can throw a few backyard pool parties. We, like most homeowners, would love to have our own backyard swimming pool, but the high cost of swimming pool hinders us from having one built. With these 10 ideas and free plans I have gathered for you, you can construct your own DIY inground or above ground swimming pool for a fraction of the cost a professional would charge.
Check out our round of custom DIY swimming pools we have compiled for you round the internet so you can be inspired to create your own backyard oasis this summer.
1- Backyard DIY Swimming Pool
Following along with this video tutorial for creating a homemade swimming pool like this one on Youtube. The creator describes how to create a leisure pool in the backyard. The video tutorial and timelapse provides instructions on digging the footprint for the pool and pouring the foundation of the floor with concrete. The walls of the pool are built with concrete blocks and then covered with cement-based stucco.
The cost to build your own DIY swimming pool is under $5000. The tutorial provides a clear list of materials and supplies along with estimated purchase prices. All the supplies can be purchased from hardware stores and pool supply stores or online. Painting and tiling the pool creates a professional look for a homemade DIY project.
In under four minutes, this tutorial and timelapse instructional video covers the process of creating the pool from the ground up that’s we like about it. With almost 1.2M video views, this tutorial is a popular source for DIYing a backyard pool on your own. You may also like to check out DIY solar pool heater that keeps your pool water warm to extend the number of months you enjoy swimming.
2- Dream DIY Swimming Pool
Building a diy swimming pool by Home-Dzine of your dreams is easier and cheaper than you may think. Design your own dream pool, then gather information on the materials needed to fulfill your dream. You don’t have to know all the details for the entire process before you begin construction – just know where to get the information as the construction process progresses. Buy the building supplies as you go to so you can take advantages of sale prices and save even more money.

3- DIY On Ground Pool
Here we have a DIY idea that creates a concrete on ground Swimming pool by Instructables that enables you to take full advantage of every inch of landscape space. The end results makes it like diy inground pool. This design can be used for building a pool above or below the ground and works great in those landscape areas that are not completely flat. This DIY build will cost around $7,000.

3- Natural DIY Swimming Pools
These step by step plans will show you how to build a swimming pool by David Wolfe that never needs chemicals. This pool design uses natural materials to filter the pool and keep it clean. It is one of our most favorite DIY swimming pool, we highly recommend you to this type of swimming pool. No chemicals are ever needed in these pools, so that will keep the long-term expense down and be healthier for your family and the environment. The best thing we like in this design is that it blends into the natural landscape to make it look like a pond instead of a pool. You may also like to check out diy pool fence ideas to keep your kids safe and protected by staying them away from the pool.

4- Backyard Pool With Build In Steps
This diy swimming pool construction by BuzzNicked goes step by step to create a lovely backyard pool with built-in steps and seating. All the digging was done by hand, so it is a slow process, but the finished results is stunning. The layered steps provide the needed stability for the diy inground pool and the curved designed is great for a small backyard space. The pool depth is perfect for swimming or lounging on a hot summer day.

5- DIY Above Ground Pool and Deck
This is an easy way to get a backyard swimming pool by Life Buzz, just buy an above ground pool then build a wooden deck around it. This design provide a nice outdoor space for entertaining on the large surrounding deck and a cool, inviting pool to jump into for cooling off. We suggest it to you if you want to cut costs even more by purchasing an above ground pool at the end of season when outdoor items go on sale.

7- DIY Above Ground Pool
A cheap swimming pool by Instructables that provides family fun for years is a simple inflatable diy above ground pool that you can purchase at any Big-Box type retail store. We suggest this diy swimmng pool to you as its soft sides are perfect for families with small children since it has no sharp corners or hard surface to hurt little ones. Easy to deflate and store when the summer pool season is over. These step by step instruction show you how to set up an inflatable diy above ground pool so it will be level and safe for family fun. The set up time is quick so you set it up and swim in it the same day.

8- Natural Pond Style Pool
This homemade swimming pool by Daily Mail looks like a natural pond instead of DIY swimming pool. This natural looking pool is also chemical free and uses sand, gravel and aquatic plants to filter the water naturally. A standard aquarium air pump moves the pool water through all the filtering material and down into drainage pipes to be re-circulated back into the pool. A great way to have clean, bacteria free water for swimming for human that is also safe for the surrounding environment. The natural look and aquatic plants also encourages flying pollinators to stop in for a visit.

9- DIY InGround Pool
For some people, only an inground pool is acceptable. But the swimming pool costs of a traditional build hinders them from having one. If you fit into this category then we recommend this DIY swimming pool by Instructables to you. This affordable pool will have you and your family enjoying a backyard swimming oasis for a fraction of a professionally built pool. Rent the needed equipment and only hire professionals to do the portions of the construction you are not able to do yourself, like pour the concrete. to keep costs low.

10- Hay Bale DIY Swimming Pool
Here we have a very unique idea and an easy way on how to build a cheap swimming pool by Goods Home Design. Create the size and shape of diy swimming pool you want with bales of hay, stacking them to a desired height. Then place a layer of loose hay on the ground inside the stacked hay bales. Cover all the hay bales and loose hay with a thick sheet of pool-grade plastic. Fill with water and enjoy. This is an ideal DIY swimming pool when a temporary pool is needed for a one-time event, like a child’s birthday party or backyard BBQ. Easy to put up, easy to take down, and the hay can be recycled in the garden.

11- Pallet Homemade Swimming Pool
This idea shows you how to transform nine pallets and a pool liners into an affordable, attractive diy above ground pool by Buzz Nicked. The none pallets are placed upright on their sides and fastened together to form the walls of the pool, recycled towels cover the interior of the pallets before the pool liner is installed. To give the exterior a finished look, bamboo blinds were installed along with a smooth board to cap off the top rim and provide a shelf around the pool. Cheap, easy and the recycled material makes this an eco-friendly pool.

12- Homemade DIY Swimming Pool
The tutorial for building your own pool by Instructables is broken down into ten easy steps. Some type of small garden tractor would be a good option for digging out the area for the pool. The tutorial recommends placing the pool in an area away from direct sun and wind.
The pool dimensions outlined in this project are twenty-six feet by thirteen feet. The depth of the pool is approximately five feet. It is important to use some reinforced metal mesh to prevent cracking of the cement foundation.
The walls are constructed of concrete block and covered with a skim coat. The tutorial states the need for two drains to avoid bodily injury from the filtration system. The concrete is painted and then the pump and filtration system are installed.

13- Dumpster Transformation DIY Swimming Pool
The following tutorial is a clever idea to repurpose a dumpster into an above ground DIY swimming pool by HGTV. The footprint for this pool is approximately eight feet by twenty-four feet. This pool design is perfect for smaller yards.
The dumpster used in this tutorial is twenty-two feet long and seven feet wide. The approximate cost for the dumpster can range from $1000 to $2500. The metal dumpster provides a reinforced structure for the DIY swimming pool. With the dumpster, you can choose what depth you want the pool to be in or above the ground.
The interior of the metal dumpster was water-proofed by using a tar sealant used on roofs and cement. In addition, a waterproof paint, some insulation for padding, and a flexible pool liner were used to create the interior surface. A wooden frame made of pressure treated lumber can be attached to the exterior of the dumpster to integrate it into a backyard design.

14- Stock Tank DIY Swimming Pool
A popular DIY project for creating a swimming pool in a relatively small space is to repurpose a stock tank. A stock tank is intended for a water source for livestock. These stock tanks can be found in a variety of stores as well as online.
The total cost for this amazing DIY swimming pool project by Arrows and bow is under $600. Turning the stock tank into a pool just takes drilling two holes in the side for installing the pool pump system. The exterior of the stock tank can be painted with an exterior house paint for added flair.
The tutorial does not use an interior sealant to prevent water leaks, but it would be a good suggestion to use something like a pond shield epoxy, as this is used in other stock tank pool tutorials. The tutorial states to seal the pump fittings and says that the stock tank did not have any leaks.

15- Natural Pond DIY Swimming Pool
Creating a natural swimming pool using plants and animals that treat the water is a wonderful way to preserve the natural elements of an outdoor pool. The video tutorial on Youtube for this project talks about combining a deeper swimming area and a shallow pond area for plants and animals. The video tutorial is less than five minutes long.
The amazing natural design of this DIY swimming pool in this Youtube video means no electricity and no professional plumbing is necessary. Filtration is solar powered, and the rest is maintained by nature. The deepest part of the swimming area is built with concrete blocks.
The entire pool footprint is covered with a pond liner. A higher level of the pond is reserved for plants and the filtration system. Many of the materials used to create this natural pond swimming pool can be repurposed from recycled materials.
16- DIY Above Ground Swimming Pool
The above ground pool created in this DIY project is approximately nine feet by fourteen feet. The exterior of the pool is constructed from two by four wood boards with a waterproof tarp for the interior. This is a great project for creating a cheap swimming pool in one day or one weekend.
The Youtube video tutorial is less than fifteen minutes long and it features detailed measurements and 3D visual modeling for construction. The total cost for this cheap and easy DIY swimming pool on Youtube project is $250. This tutorial provides several tips about what could be improved from the original design so that you can improve upon the final product.
The project requires a basic saw and drill for construction along with a vinyl tarp or pool liner. Much of the wood used in this project can be recycled or reused from other projects or obtained from other people from other building projects. You can use a small pool pump with a filter for cleaning and circulating the water.
17- DIY Inground Swimming Pool
This DIY swimming pool project on Youtube provides details for building a backyard swimming pool for under $3000. The video tutorial highlights the process of constructing a ten foot by twenty-foot inground pool. The DIY swimming pool has a shallow end and a deep end.
Using a concrete block footing instead of concrete eliminates a lot of costs and construction materials from the project. The project recycles a used hot tub pool pump which works perfectly for the size of the swimming pool. A pool plaster coating was used on the interior of the swimming pool to cover the cement block and cement floor.
The Youtube video tutorial is broken down into fourteen steps and the total cost associated with the pool construction was around $2600. To cut down on cost, you could forgo the tile trim around the swimming pool and just use the colored plaster coating as the decorative element.
As you can see there are a lot of ideas to build your swimming pool either inground or above ground. Although to build a large size of swimming pools you need help from some professional to do a part of DIY work. But small types of pools can be built on their own. We hope these ideas help you to make a similar or your own custom design swimming pool.
Most frequently asked questions
Can I build a swimming pool myself?
Although building a swimming pool by yourself requires a lot of work, experience and time. But you can build one for yourself by consulting with someone experienced to avoid mistakes and get guidance for the work. You need proper planning, getting permits from local municipalities, designing the layout and determining the size of your pool. Keeping all these factors in mind you can save a lot more than hiring a company that costs you heavily.
Which type of swimming pool is the cheapest one?
Vinyle pool are less expensive than other types of pools to construct such as conrete and fiberglass pools. The cost of swimming pool is also depends upon its size and digging depth.
How can I turn an existing pool into a natural pool?
You can convert your existing pool to look natural that helps to keep the bacteria out, clean the water and improve health conditions. By using sand, gravel and aquatic plants you can filter the water naturally.
What is the ideal size of a swimming pool?
The ideal size of a swimming pool depends upon the number of family members you have. A 18 foot by 36 foot is best suited for six to eight family members. For a family smaller than 6 members 16 by 32 is adequately suitable. The depth of your pool should be 8 to 6 feet.
Files.eric.ed.gov, Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(8): 1881-1884, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.040818, “Effects of Swimming Training on Stress Levels of the Students Aged 11-13”, https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1110780.pdf
Scholar Works@BGSU, International Journal Of Aquatic Research and Education, pub:8-1-2015, “Learning to Swim: What Influences Success?”, https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1323&context=ijare
Swimming World Magazine, by G. JOHN MULLEN, 29 August 2023, “10 Hidden Benefits of Swimming”, https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/10-hidden-benefits-swimming/