Creating DIY concrete planters is an easy and affordable way to customize your home design. This is an ideal way to create any size or shape planter that you want for indoor or outdoor use. Concrete is easy to paint or stain, so you can customize the colors along with sizes and shapes.
DIY concrete planters are not the only things that can be created from a bag of concrete and homemade molds. Things like candle holders and garden globes can also be created to accessorize the planters.
Check out these 23 stylish DIY concrete planters and their accessories we have prepared a round up of so you start creating your own custom design home and landscape look this weekend.
1- DIY Cement Planters and Globes
Here are some great ideas for creating planters and garden globes with recycled items from your home or a local thrift shop.
Old soup bowls are just the right size for making small diy cement planter pots like this one by remodelaholic, and old light globes found at the thrift shop are just right for making a trio of garden globes.
Steps by step instructions show you how to make several concrete items with either smooth or textured finishes.

2- Tinted DIY Concrete Planter
Concrete is not boring, it’s colorful and can be used for creating sturdy planters in any size you want. Concrete can be tinted to most any color you want, making it an ideal way to create planters that will compliment your exterior decor.
Follow these step by step instructions on how to make concrete planters like this one by popularmechanics with color tint so you can have a perfect color match or a contrasting colored planter.
These free instructions will also show you how to build a mold for an interesting and rock solid planter.

3- Decorative Concrete Planter Box
These free plans will show you how to create a mold that will enable you to create a decorative concrete planter box by thissortaoldlife.
The architectural design on the sides of this planter box are easy to achieve with a little cardboard and a hot glue gun. The concrete planter box can be left in the natural concrete color, tinted or painted, the design will really make it stand out as a unique planter.
These plans will help you create a planter box large enough to grow a small tree and/or several annual flowers.

4- Raid the Kitchen
Molds for DIY concrete planters like this one by bhg can be found in your kitchen. Odd bowls, cups, and containers with interesting shapes can be used to create fun containers for flowers or candles for indoor or outdoor use.
Create decorative planters to use on a sunny porch or in bhga sunny window with this thrifty idea. By using items you have on hand to create molds for the concrete, you will be saving money and giving unused kitchen items a second life. You may also like to check out diy self watering planters.

5- Marble Look DIY Concrete Planters
Make marble looking DIY concrete planters with this great idea by apartmenttherapy. Concrete may start out as a dull gray color, but it doesn’t have to stay that color. With these tips, you can make the concrete look like marble in any color you want.
Create a high end design look by using powdered concrete pigments that come in a wide array of colors. The color variations, along with these free instructions, will enable you to make dull gray concrete look like colorful marble. You can even create hombre colors with your planters for a unique look. Ideal for gift giving.

6- Geometric Designs Concrete Planters
This idea will show you to take cardboard and create concrete planter molds like these one by grayhousestudio. Cardboard is easy to fold into any desired shape, yet sturdy enough to hold wet concrete until it is dry. Recycle used cardboard to create geometric designs to use as molds for planting pots.

7- DIY Concrete Planters Less Than $1 Each
Here is an inexpensive idea that will show you how to make a grouping of DIY concrete planters like these ones by hip2save for less than $1 a piece.
Get a high end design look to decorate a table top or fireplace mantle by creating a grouping of attractive small cement planters. Plant succulents in some of them, and use a couple of the planters to float open flower blooms for a romantic look.
Recycled plastic bowls make cheap concrete molds. Any container that can retain its shape while filled with wet cement can be used as a mold for a small planter. Browse through your pantry of local thrift store for the perfect sized bowls for this thrifty DIY project.

8- DIY Cement Planters In All Shapes and Sizes
Create some fun concrete planter to give as unique gifts with this idea. Use cheap plastic bowls for molds, then small plastic bowls to create an off-center planting hole in the top.
Family and friends will enjoy receiving these whimsical and sturdy concrete planters by gardentherapy for any gift giving occasion. The planters are so pretty, recipient may not even want to place plant inside of them!
With a little creativity, you can put names, dates or other designs in the concrete. These would make creative table centerpieces for weddings or other festive occasions.

9- Hanging DIY Cement Planters
Use these free plans to create hanging planters like these ones by prettylifegirls that look like concrete, but they are not made from concrete at all.
A little clay molded into the desired shape and painted with a concrete finish will create an exterior that looks exactly like concrete. Holes are made in the clay before it’s baked, so placing a sturdy hanging rope in the planter is easy. Add a plant and suspend and you’ll have a decorative hanging planter with the look of concrete.

10- Succulent DIY Concrete Planter
Succulents are small, easy care houseplants that are in the cactus family. Theses small plants thrive on neglect, making them an ideal houseplant for most offices and homes.
An attractive pot made from concrete will make an ideal home for an easy care succulent.
Use these detailed instructions to create an attractive and functional DIY concrete planter like this one by homedit that will be perfect for displaying on a desk top, book shelf or table top.

11- Recycled Juice Bottles
Large plastic juice bottles are free and easy to recycle for use as planter molds. Those large gallon jugs of juice and other beverages come in handy for many different DIY projects and are a great size for creating planters like these ones by radmegan.
These free plans show you how to use recycled juice bottles and mix perlite into the concrete so the finished product won’t be quite so heavy.

12- Painted DIY Concrete Planters
It’s so easy to create modern and stylish DIY concrete planters like these ones by with these free instructions. By adding a little peat moss and perlite to mix into the cement for texture, plus a little paint to go onto the finished product, you can create a unique design that fits into a modern decor.
The entire cement pot is not painted, only a small stripe going across the bottom to make this a modern design. The resulting look is a high-end design planter that looks like it costs $50 or more, only you will know how inexpensive it was to make.
Use this paint idea on geometric concrete planters for an upscale stylish look.
There is a bonus idea included on this web page too: a three legged concrete stool. Check it out and you may want to create a couple of them to go along with your unique planters.
13- Stylish and Inspiring
There is nothing boring about these concrete plant pots like these ones by jennykomenda. Easy to make and will fit into any style of decor.
These free detailed plans will walk you through the creative process so you can create some of these planters for yourself and to give as gifts to family and friends.

14- Industrial Look DIY Cement Planters
Here is a style that will fit in perfectly with an industrial look. It’s clean, stylish and classic, plus it’s an easy DIY project.
All you need is a simple round plastic bowl to use as a mold, plus a smaller plastic cup, like a yogurt cup, to create an off center planting hole. After the cement has cured and the planter removed from the mold, sand the outside of the planter smooth. Paint it white or use a pigment powder in the cement mix if desired, but the raw gray color of the cement is ideal for an industrial looking planting pot like this one by burkatron.

15- Quick and Easy DIY Cement Planters
This idea will enable you to make cement planter pots like these ones by papernstitchblog in a few minutes and be using them the following day.
The molds used are thinner and allow the cement to dry and cure much quicker than a large mold. These molds are created from a common object found at home supply stores and used to cover lawn sprinkler heads. They are in the shape of a donut cut in half lengthwise. The half circles filled with cement dry quickly, and once dried, they are stacked together to form a round planter that already has a center planting hole. You may also like to check out diy wall planters.

16- Concrete and Wood
Create a unique and up-scale planter design with concrete and small pieces of wood. Place small pieces of squared off wood in each corner of a square mold before pouring the concrete into the mold. The wood will create legs for the planter and give the planter an architectural design element.
Pieces of wood can be used in other areas of the planter mold to create designs within the cement instead of legs for the planter. This free design plan can inspire you to create your own unique planter designs with concrete and wood like these one by prettyhandygirl.

17- Abstract Design
What can you create with an old towel and a little concrete? A unique abstract design for a DIYconcrete plante by therusticwillowr that will look stunning on your front porch.
This is so simple to make, uses very little concrete and give an old towel a new life. Just dip the towel in wet concrete, drape it over an upside down bucket and wait until it dries. You just created a large concrete planter with an abstract design.
Add a coat of paint or powder pigment to the mix to compliment the color of your home’s exterior and increase the curb appeal of your home. You may also like to check out diy window box.

18- PVC Pipe Molds
Use PVC pipe to create the perfect size DIY concrete planter like this one by bunnings to meet your plant needs. PVC pipe is inexpensive and comes in a wide range of widths, and it’s easy to cut to the right height.
Follow these instructions to create your own planting containers using PVC pipe as the concrete mold.

19- Paver DIY Concrete Planters
Some of the work is already done for you with this fun idea. Transform concrete pavers into planters with wood accents using these free plans.
Pavers will make large, sturdy planters like these ones by modpodgerocksblog that are ideal for use at the end of walkways, to flank a garden gate or to accent a front doorway. Several colorful flowers can be planted inside of one paver planter to help you maximize growing space.

20- Soda Bottle Molds
Make some cute concrete planters by using the tops of soda bottles as the molds. Add pigment powder to the cement mix and paint happy faces on the finished concrete planter by instructables for added touch of cuteness. Ideal for any room where a little fun would be welcomed.
Easy to create and is a great way to recycle soda bottles.

21- Cardboard Geometrics
Card stock cardboard is easy to fold and fashion into a desired shape and is sturdy enough to hold cement. The bendable cardboard will allow you to create a variety of geometric designs for molds to be used for creating cement planting pots like these ones by lanaredstudio.
Decorate the finished planter of leaves in the original gray color. The geometric design will fit in with most any decor.

22- DIY Concrete and Gold Planters
Concrete is never boring if you add a little bling to it. Add accents of gold to your homemade concrete planters like diyinpdx these ones by to make them look like they were an expensive purchase, but they will only cost pennies to make.
Download this free PDF file that will take you through the process step by step so you create these lovely concrete and gold planters.

23- Cinder Block Planters
The concrete work is already done for you with this fun DIY project. Create interesting and sturdy planters like these ones by littlemissmomma painting designs on cinder blocks. Paint different patterns on the cinder blocks to add interest and a pop of color to the gray cement.
Easy and fun DIY project, perfect for the beginner do-it-yourselfer.