A DIY mini greenhouse is the ideal solution for plant growing and seed starting in small spaces. Not everyone has a large outdoor space to accommodate a full size green house, but even apartment dwellers can enjoy the benefits of a DIY small greenhouse.
Tiny greenhouses have a variety of uses, like nursing sick plants back to health, growing fresh herbs and vegetables, propagating plants, starting plants from seeds and over-wintering plants.
Check out our list of these 12 DIY mini greenhouse ideas to find the right one to meet your plant growing needs.
Recycled Windows
These small greenhouse plans by balconygardenweb show you how to recycle five old windows and a wooden pallet into a functional greenhouse. All you need to build this diy mini greenhouse are:
- Four equal sized windows and one smaller window.
- One wooden pallet.
- Clean window glass.
- Join the four same size windows with screws to form a box.
- Place smaller window on top of box and mark where it ends.
- Remove small window and use wood slats from pallet to fill in the gap on top. Attach slats with screws.
- Place window back on top and attach to wood slats with two hinges for easy opening.

Five Window DIY Small Greenhouse
This design uses five windows to create a diy small greenhouse by blackanddecker that is portable and functional. Three windows are the same size and are used to create two opposite sides and top lid, and two smaller windows are used to create the front and back. No extra wood is needed, the wood framed windows are screwed to each other. Easy to move as-is, easy to take apart when no longer needed. You may also like to check out wooden greenhouses.

Clear Plastic Bin Small Greenhouse
Learn how to build a mini greenhouse using an ordinary plastic bin in this YouTube video. Use a deep bin so you can add an interior rack to double the growing space. Perfect for an indoor mini greenhouse.
Pallet DIY Mini Greenhouse
Easy mini greenhouse design by instructables using wood pallets and plastic sheeting.
- Use one pallet to create the bottom floor.
- Use wood slat from another pallet to create a triangle on top of the floor. Secure with screws.
- Cover all but one side with plastic sheeting. Secure into place with staples.
- Create a a wood frame door for the last side of the triangle using wood from the pallet.
- Cover with plastic sheeting and attach with hinges for easy access.

Storm Window DIY Mini Greenhouse
A wood frame and a few storm windows makes a nice homemade greenhouse
- Measure storm windows and use 2x4s to create a box which the storm windows will be attached to.
- Three storm windows are used for this design – one for the front and two for the sides. A back and top are not needed since this. small greenhouse sits on a covered porch with the back against the exterior of the house.
- Attach the two side windows to the frame with screws.
- Attach the front window with hinges so it can be opened.
Fold Up DIY Mini Greenhouse
This mini greenhouse design by rockler is tall enough to stand upright inside of and built to be folded and put away when not in use. This design is great for gardeners who want to start plants from seeds in the late winter and extend their growing season in late fall. Easy to fold and store when not in use. You may also like to check out homemade greenhouses.

DIY Small Greenhouse
This is a small version of a traditional greenhouse. Step by step pictorial and written instructions will show you how to build a greenhouse in your own backyard like this one by howtospecialist that is small in size yet large enough to hold plenty of plants.

DIY Mini Greenhouse
Adorable and functional, this greenhouse desigcraftsalamoden by easily becomes a part of the outdoor landscape decor while providing an interior that promotes plant growth. Six windows create the four sides design with a pitched roof.

Table Top DIY Mini Greenhouse
This mini greenhouse is easy to build and fits nicely on a table top. Use these free plans to create a safe, warm environment for ailing houseplants or for showcasing houseplants outdoors. This mini green house by wonderwood.no is inexpensive and easy to build and is created from large photo frames.

Raised Bed Garden Greenhouse
Convert your raised bed garden into a small greenhouse like this one by doityourself to extend your growing season. Create a hoop structure over the raised bed with PVC pipes and cover with white plastic sheeting. Perfect for starting garden seeds in the raised beds and for growing crops all the way into early winter. Plastic is removed and replaced as needed while PVC pipe hoop frame is left in place. You may also like to see 12 ideas to build a hoop house.

CD Case DIY Mini Greenhouse
Recycling and ingenuity at its finest. Old, clear plastic CD cases can be transformed into a functional diy mini greenhouse with this idea by megacrafty. Use clear glue to attach CD cases to each other and create the size and shape you want. Apply painter’s tape to hold the cases together until the glue dries. No need to build a frame for this sturdy design. You may also like to check out cold frame plans.

Umbrella DIY Mini Greenhouse
This is the simplest diy mini greenhouse design by alittlebitwonderful of all – a clear umbrella opened and placed over a large container of seed or plants. Perfect for an herb garden and/or for someone who lacks DIY skills. Fill a large, round container with potting soil, plant herb seeds and stick the pole of a clear, opened umbrella in the center of the soil. Allow 1-2 inches of space between the bottom of the umbrella and the container for air flow.