Crafting your own DIY archery target opens up endless opportunities for leisurely bow practice. The simplicity of stepping outside, breathing in the fresh air, and taking aim at your own handmade target offers a delightful way to unwind and stay active. Personally, I found that spending time outdoors with my bow and arrow not only improved my archery skills but also provided a much-needed break from the stresses of everyday life.
Opting for a homemade archery target not only saves money but also provides a sense of fulfillment and relaxation. Engaging in a DIY project like this serves as a form of therapy, allowing you to channel your focus into creating something practical and enjoyable. Building my own archery target was not just about the end result; it was about the process itself, which offered a welcome escape from daily worries and tensions.
Exploring a variety of 23 DIY archery target plans, I discovered a wealth of options that were both easy to make and affordable. These plans catered to different preferences and skill levels, ensuring that there was something for everyone. From traditional bullseye targets to more creative designs, each plan sparked my imagination and motivated me to embark on the project with enthusiasm.
Assembling my own DIY archery target was a rewarding experience that brought a sense of accomplishment and joy. It wasn’t just about creating a tool for practicing archery; it was about investing time and effort into something that brought me genuine pleasure. Now, whenever I step outside with my bow, I have a homemade target waiting for me—a reminder of the satisfaction that comes from embracing DIY projects and the simple joys of outdoor recreation.
1- Leaf Stuffed Archery Target
Use the fallen leaves this autumn to create a homemade archery target like this one by Kids Activities Blog for kids by using this idea I am sharing with you. A yard or two of burlap fabric is easy to sew into a square bag that can be stuffed with tree leaves. Paint the target on the outside of the lightweight, sturdy target bag, then enjoy an afternoon of arrow shooting with your kids.

2- Foam Mat Archery Target
Embarking on the journey of crafting my own archery target was a decision that not only enhanced my archery experience but also offered a rewarding DIY project. The allure of simplicity and efficiency drew me towards the homemade archery target featured on YouTube. What resonated with me the most was the ingenious use of readily available materials, specifically foam mats, to create a durable and cost-effective target.
The beauty of this DIY archery target lies in its accessibility and ease of construction. With just a stack of foam mats and some basic hardware, I was able to transform them into a functional target in just one afternoon. The step-by-step instructions provided in the YouTube video made the process straightforward and enjoyable, guiding me through each stage of the project with clarity and precision.
What I particularly appreciate about this homemade archery target is its versatility and sustainability. Not only can it be tailored to fit any size foam mats, but it also offers a practical solution for recycling used materials. By repurposing foam mats that would otherwise go to waste, I was able to keep building costs to a minimum while reducing my environmental footprint—a win-win situation.
Furthermore, the design of the target, with foam mats stacked between two pieces of wood held in place by threaded rods, ensures easy repair and maintenance. As the foam mats wear out over time, they can be restacked to create a fresh shooting surface, prolonging the lifespan of the target and saving me money in the long run.
In conclusion, my personal experience with the DIY archery target showcased on YouTube has been immensely satisfying. Not only did it provide me with a practical and affordable solution for practicing my archery skills, but it also allowed me to flex my creative muscles and engage in a fulfilling DIY project. As I continue to refine my aim and precision, I’m grateful for the opportunity to do so with a homemade target that reflects my resourcefulness and passion for the sport.
3- Paper DIY Archery Target
It sounds impossible, but this idea for a homemade archery target uses papers to stop the arrows.
Stacks of large sheet paper that were headed for the paper shredder were saved and recycled into a free, functional diy archery target by instructables that will provide hours of practice.
I think this would be a great project to get the kids involved with since it involves paper and glue. Sheet after sheet of paper is glued together with rubber cement to form the body of the archery target. A few more steps are needed to make this paper archery target usable, but it would be a fun project for the entire family. If you have access to used paper, this DIY build will be almost free too.

4- Puzzle Mat Target
Puzzles mats designed to be used for children’s activities can be stacked in a different way and used for adult activities. Follow these detailed instructions by Instructables and discover how these puzzle mats can be stacked sideways and placed in a DIY wooden frame and used for hours of archery practice.

5- Plywood Frame Archery Target
Learn how to build a DIY archery target in this Youtube Video with a heavy-duty plywood frame. Follow this instructional video with the family so the DIY build can be a time of family fun, followed by family archery competition on the new homemade archery target.
6- Target on a Stand
This idea will show you how to create a DIY archery target in this Youtube Video on a stand so you won’t be shooting arrows downwards. Improve your skills of shooting arrows upwards by practicing on this DIY target on a stand.
This YouTube video will show you how to create a target on a stand at just the right height for you.
7- Cheap DIY Archery Target
This cheap archery target I am discussing with you is easy to build and fun to use. This DIY archery target on Youtube can be made in minutes, plus it’s easy to take with you on camping trips.
If you have old clothing and a bag on hand, this homemade archery target can be free to make. Watch this short YouTube video for instructions for this cheap archery target.
8- Carpet DIY Archery Target
Inexpensive carpet and carpet padding can be transformed into a functional diy archery target like this one by Mamas Geeky. A wooden box for a frame and carpeting are about all you will need to make this simple target. The instructions even show you how to add a handle to the top of the box to make lifting and transporting the target easy.
Find some family or friends who are replacing their carpeting and this DIY project will be practically free to create. Carpeting is an excellent shock absorber and will stop an arrow with ease so you can get in lots of arrow shooting time.

9- DIY Crossbow Target
If you like to shoot a crossbow for fun or hunting, this target will provide you with years of practice. This DIY crossbow target by life-out-there is large and thick, well able to stop the arrows aimed at it with a crossbow. I love this diy crossbow idea the most!
These free plans for the archery target also give you an idea for building a shed covering the target so it will be out of the elements and last longer.
Get in some good practice time with your crossbow when hunting season is closed, so when the season re-opens, you will be ready to take down that trophy animal.

10- Foam Floor Homemade Mat Archery Target
Here I am showing you a great idea for using those inexpensive foam floor mats in an unexpected way – use them to create a homemade archery targetlike this one by Instructables. These soft, thick floor mats are like large puzzles pieces and are often used on the floor of a child’s playroom. When the child has outgrown the playroom, use this idea to recycle those floor mats into something for yourself. The foam floor mats are inexpensive to purchase if you don’t have any on-hand.
The stack is also easy to rearrange to prevent the center of the homemade bow target from getting shot out too soon.

11- Stacked Foam DIY Archery Target
Stacks of foam held into place with cheap metal rods will create an awesome diy archery target like this one at Archery Talk that will last for years.
The threaded rods create a clamp that holds the stack of foam in place and recycled cardboard on the front of the stacked foam create a flat surface to hang or paint a bullseye target. The target on this website was made for under $30, a very inexpensive DIY project for anyone who likes to shoot a bow and arrows.
This type of foam can be found in any home improvement store and is typically used as flooring in a garage.

12- Cardboard Archery Target
This DIY archery target by instructables is completely free to build which most of us would like to do. It is made from cardboard and that can be obtained from a dumpster behind any retail store.
All you need is a large box that is a suitable size for an archery target, then a lot more corrugated boards to go inside the box. The corrugated cardboard can be from any type of appliance box, shipping container, or grocery item. The corrugated board needs to be larger than the box so they can be cut to fit tightly within the box.
Large cardboard boxes that appliances or TVs are shipped in are ideal for this DIY project. A free homemade archery target is hard to beat, just go find some cardboard and you can easily make one with these simple instructions.

13- Chicken Wire and Old Clothes
It’s amazing how a little chicken wire and some old, unwearable clothing can be transformed into a DIY archery target like this one by instructables.
A narrow wood frame is first constructed and covered with chicken wire, then the interior is filled with tightly rolled clothing. The exterior is covered with a layer of black ground cloth in these plans but you can use whatever you have on hand to cover the exterior.
The old clothing inside the chicken wire will absorb the shock of the shot arrow and prevent it from going through the target.

14- Leftover Carpet Target
Leftover carpet scraps are ideal for using to create a DIY archery target like this one by Sole Adventure. Instead of throwing leftover pieces of carpet away, use these free plans for creating a homemade archery target you can enjoy in your backyard.
Save money, recycle carpet scraps, reduce stress, and create something that will help you spend more time outdoors with the kids. This is a great way to recycle and to use DIY skills, plus having your own archery target in your backyard will enable you to keep your bow and arrow skills sharp so you will be ready when hunting season rolls around.

15- Archery Target And Stand
Having an archery target at home for practice will help you hone your skills as an archer. Become a more accurate bowman and hit the bullseye consistently by building this archery target and stand to go in your backyard or shooting range.
I suggest this idea to next level hunters. Practice makes perfect and having a DIY archery target like this one by Instructables readily available to you will encourage you to practice more. Whether you shoot arrows at stationary targets or wild game, having a DIY archery target is an inexpensive way to develop your arrow-shooting skills.

16- Wood Box Target
Stop wasting your money on those soft-sided, corn-filled archery targets that only last one season and build one of these long lasting wood frame archery targets.
Learn how to build this large, sturdy homemade bow target in this Youtube Video for under $50. Inexpensive and easy to build, this DIY project will save you money and help you become a more accurate bowman. Ideal for bow hunters that are after the big game animals like elk and moose.
The wood box is a simple DIY construction and can be made with leftover OSB board. The filling inside the archery target box can be created from a variety of materials, including old blankets and pillows, to keep the costs low.
17- Round Archery Target
A large round DIY archery target is easy to create from one roll of foam and an old rug. Follow these step by step instructions that will show you how to cut one roll of sheet foam into four small rolls and roll them up into an inexpensive target.
This would make a great DIY crossbow target by Guides Brit or a practice target for game hunters. This target will help you become a more accurate bowman and is inexpensive to create. If you plan to replace old carpeting and padding on the floors of your home, don’t discard the old material. Use this idea to recycle the old carpeting and padding into a new, sturdy round archery targe

18- Lifetime Archery Target
This sturdy wood framed homemade archery target will be the last one that you will ever have to build.
These easy to follow instructions will show you how to make an archery target that will last a lifetime. The interior filling of the target will need to be replaced from time to time but that’s an easy thing to do.
The wood frame stand is covered with chicken wire and filled with material, new or used, that can stop an arrow. Cheap and easy to build for a lifetime of archery practice.

19- Compressed Paper
Great way to recycle stacks of paper! Use them to create a free DIY archery target like this one at Instructables. These detailed instructions will show you how to stack sheets of used office to create a target for bow practice. This compressed paper target is ideal for a hobby archer or a beginning archer.
Even if you don’t shoot bows and arrows but have a lot of used paper in your office, consider donating the paper to an archer so they can build this target.

20- Portable Archery Target
I recommend this idea to you as its lightweight, portable homemade archery target by Wiki How that can be made in less than an hour and cost almost nothing.
Transform a cardboard bow and recycled shrink wrap into a cheap, portable target that is great for kids. A large cardboard board box and shrink wrap that was used to hold freight can be obtained from a retail store for free.
Stuff the cardboard box with the shrink wrap, seal with duct tape and mark the target on the outside of the box with a marker. This easy to build, cheap, and portable archery target will provide an afternoon of fun archery practice for all ages.

21- Carpet Target
I like this archery target idea that is using recycling stacks of carpets. A stack of carpet scraps can easily be transformed into a homemade archery target like this one by Rokslide that will last for years.
Home builders and remodelers in your areas typically have leftover carpet scraps from their work that have to be hauled off and discarded. You would be helping them out by taking some of the leftover carpet scraps off their hands.
The carpet is easy to stack and compress with a couple pieces of wood and threaded rods. Replace the carpet scraps as needed and enjoy the carpet target for years.

22- Large DIY Archery Target
If you hunt large game with a bow and arrows, then you need a large target to practice on. This easy to follow video will show you how to make an archery target like this one by Elk101 that is large and inexpensive.
You can even use the alternative idea given on this website to re-purpose and recycle an old archery target to create a new homemade target.

23- DIY Archery Range
Having an archery range in your backyard is a way to enjoy family fun anytime. But it needs to be safe and have a secure backstop.
These detailed instructions will show you how to build a safe and secure archery range that will stop the arrows after they’re shot. You can use one of the free plans to create a DIY archery target by Surviving Prepper for the range and the entire DIY project will be inexpensive and quick to build.

Ending Note!
So these were my collection of homemade archery targets made from different scrape items such as shredded grass, cardboard, and a bag of cloth. Of course there are endless junk items you can use to make your own diy archery target with your creativity. Hope you like our article. If you anything like to share please use our comment section below.
The University Of Arizona, Cooperative Extention, “ARCHERY”,
KSL News Radio, “DWR provides archery safety reminders ahead of fall hunt”, pub:Aug 3, 2023,
Agricultural Educational Communication, by Julia S. KellyJuly 2018, “Archery Leader Guide
Basic and Advanced Levels”,