Summer is the time to make the most out of DIY garden ideas that are found browsing online throughout the year. There are many clever and simple ideas that many gardeners have implemented into their own gardens to create amazing landscapes. Garden projects don’t need to be complex or expensive, there are many simple and cheap DIY garden ideas that anyone can incorporate into their landscaping adventures.
Find DIY garden decorating ideas by clicking through the list of twenty-one unique tutorials we have prepared for you. Add some fun and personalized elements to the garden while also incorporating the help of kids and family. Gardening and outdoor spaces offer plenty of opportunities to spend time connecting with the natural world. Go ahead and start creating with these DIY gardening ideas we have collected for you round the internet sites.
1- Creating an Outdoor Candlelight Chandelier
A cool and clever garden decoration idea by sunset for bringing indoor light fixtures out to the garden is a garden chandelier. Recreating a homemade chandelier which uses candles rather than electric lights is great to avoid all the complications of electrical outlets and hazardous cords left out in the weather.
Repurposing a wire basket from the home or a local thrift store is a great DIY garden idea on a budget. Adding some crystal accessories as well as some scented candles can bring this chandelier project to a higher design sophistication. Here are some more intersting diy garden ideas around the site: diy garden markers.

2- Vintage Wooden Toolbox Planters
A cheap DIY garden idea by satoridesignforliving that can also be homemade is to take something vintage like old wooden tool boxes and turn them into planter boxes for the garden. Using found or purchased wooden tool boxes, creating ideas for upcycling these vintage boxes can bring out a lot of creativity. Using paint and stencils, a unique garden decoration idea can create special moments in the yard.

3- Building a DIY Potting Bench
Many gardeners know the benefits of having an area where they can work on potting plants. With a size and height that is customizable to the gardener, building this garden potting bench by burkatron is a great idea. With the mess that tends to happen when working with potting soil and the tools of the trade, incorporating a potting bench at a comfortable height can save a gardener undue strain.
The simple design of this potting bench allows for anyone at any skill level to construct this bench. With the base plan, DIY gardeners can customize this design for their needs. When not in use for potting plants, it can also double as a decorative plant stand. Here are some more intersting diy garden ideas around the site: diy rain chain.

4- Pallet Wood Hidden Hose Holder and Planter
Reuse wood from a discarded pallet to build a hidden hose holder like this one by diycandy. Forget about having to wind up a hose left on the ground near the outdoor water connection. Creating a hidden garden hose holder that is concealed as a wooden planter is a great DIY garden idea.
With a planter on top and hose storage on the bottom, the hinged access door provides storage of the garden hose when not in use. Using simple tools like a drill and a saw, this project can be completed in one or two hours. This DIY tutorial has plenty of photos and descriptions to go from start to finish without questioning the next step. Here are some more intersting diy garden ideas around the site:Â diy bird feeder.

5- DIY Gardening Apron for Hand Tools
Just as builders and construction workers utilize tool belts to hold and carry hand tools around the job site, with this handy DIY garden idea, gardeners can get the same benefits. Create a customizable garden apron that can hold several hand tools for planting or weeding the garden.
If there is no room such as a shed to store garden tools, a DIY garden apron like this one by satoridesignforliving is a wonderful solution for keeping hand tools within reach when tackling gardening projects and weekly tasks. Planning out the pocket sizes for garden hand tools creates the customization every gardener needs.
Choose a fabric pattern that fits personality and make this fun garden apron for practical use every day. This garden apron could easily be a no-sew project with stitch witchery fusible bonding tape.

6- Drop-down Pallet Gardening Table
Rather than taking a wood pallet and deconstructing it for other wood projects, use the design of the pallet as an easy way to have a garden friendly gardening table. Using hinges and pull-down chains, a foldable and space saving garden table is a fantastic idea.
Using two pallets hinged together, this design is like a murphy bed design that allows the pallet tabletop to be raised or lowered. Make sure to anchor the pallet to the exterior wall in studs to take the weight of the pallet wood and garden supplies when in use.
This cheap DIY garden idea by jennaburger creates a drop-down pallet table that folds up on a shed, garage, or home exterior wall and out of the way when not in use. The spacing in the pallet creates an ideal way to reduce spilled potting soil or spent leaves from cluttering up the workspace.

7- Vertical Garden Flower Wall
A truly inspiring DIY garden idea by theidearoom, this vertical garden flower wall is a great way to add some color to a plain wall or fence without permanently affixing a heavy structure to a vertical surface. Much like the design of a bedroom headboard, the design of this vertical flower wall has posts at either end that help take the weight of the structure.
The wood used in constructing this DIY flower wall can be painted or stained to individualize the surrounding area. Using additional wood lattice work, found at any hardware store pre-made, this vertical flower wall has sophistication at a DIY level.

8- Decorative Garden Pond Using Old Tires
Disposing of old tires is expensive and can be potentially harmful to the environment. Why not create a DIY garden pond like this one by cutediyprojects or planter by repurposing the shape and durability of the tires? With this DIY fish pond tutorial, gardeners can create an above ground fish pond or planter.
Stack two or three tires together while filling the inner rings with sand to create weight and structure to hold up against the weight of the water. Using plastic sheeting or a small pond liner, the interior of the tires can be covered to create the circular pond area for water. This project can also be used to DIY a large circular planter for statement garden plants.

9- Painted Golf Ball DIY Garden Art
Have a collection of old golf balls? If someone in the house plays golf or collects discarded golf balls, why not turn them into cool cheap DIY garden idea like these ones by cutediyprojects?! Incorporate personalized artwork with a bit of fun and humor. This simple DIY garden idea can be limitless to the artsy design potentials. Through this tutorial, fun little ladybug decorations were created but other themes can also be created to fit specific garden themes.

10- Vertical Pallet Pot and Tool Organizer
Taking inspiration from pallet wood vertical garden planters by ourlittleacre.blogspot, why not use an old pallet to create a vertical garden tool organizer? This is a cool idea for gardeners who do not have extra space in a shed or garage to organize all their necessary garden tools.
Rather than purchasing expensive tool organization systems made specifically for garages, try, and repurpose a free wooden pallet for a vertical organizing and storage area for garden tools. Easily affix the vertical pallet to an exterior wall. This DIY project can also be used to hang a wound-up hose to keep it off the ground and out of the way from mowing the lawn.

11- Creating A Stock Tank Pond for the Garden
Previously having highlighted a DIY project like this one by penick about turning a stock tank into a pool, utilizing a stock tank for a garden pond is another iteration for the many uses of repurposing stock tanks for the garden. A stock tank is the perfect depth for being able to incorporate water lilies and fish into the pond.
Create a flat, stable base where the stock tank once filled with water will not sink into the ground. Using bricks or concrete blocks can create different surfaces and heights to place potted water plants. Adding fish to the stock tank pond can be another enjoyable aspect.

12- Concrete Garden Orbs
Using fleece fabric strips or various types of yarn, creating a concrete orb for the garden is as simple as following the same methods of papier-mache. Using a concrete mixture that can be purchased at any hardware store, some yarn, and an inflatable beach ball, some wonderful garden art can be created to add some cheap DIY décor to the yard.
Creating these concrete garden orbs by madebybarb would be a great idea to use extra concrete that is left over after creating other concrete DIY projects like stepping stones. This project needs a small amount of concrete to soak and cover the strips of fleece or yarn. Here are some more intersting diy garden ideas around the site: diy squirrel feeders.

13- Repurposed Garden Hose Outdoor Rug
Take an old, worn-out garden hose and rather than throwing it away, turn it into a comfy homemade outdoor rug or kneeling cushion like this one by markkintzel. Using E6000 glue or a similar adhesive product, glue hose pieces together to create an oval structure. If cutting the oval hose structure in half for a rug near a door, the cut ends can be stabilized by using used wine corks.
Another unique purpose for this project would be to create a kneeling pad for when having to kneel in the garden. The flexible rubber hose can act as cushioning while also protecting from rocks, dirt, and wet soil while kneeling in the garden.

14- Simple Solar Powered Address Sign
Being able to see the house address in the dark is a potential safety risk if emergency services need to locate a home at night. A cool and simple DIY garden decoration idea by theseasonalhome is a solar powered address sign. Using a solar powered lantern, affixing laminate numbers to the solar powered lantern and hanging it in the front of the home is a great DIY garden idea.
This idea is so simple and practical that even kids can do this for a gift or as a way of incorporating their participation into gardening. Adding a second solar powered lantern that invites guests with a welcoming phrase could also be done for symmetrical night garden décor.

15- Wooden Patio Privacy Screen for the Patio
If searching for a simple weekend patio project to add privacy or design to a garden patio, then this tutorial is a great idea. Wooden privacy screens to dress like this one by designwinedine up a plain concrete wall or to provide some privacy is a simple solution. The horizontal slat design provides some architectural elements to the garden.
The tutorial uses pre-made panels from IKEA. Alternatively, constructing these panels from one by two-inch strips, the panel structures can also double as a vertical hanging planter wall. A perfect idea for individuals who live in apartments or condos where there is no gardening space. Make sure to use some wall anchors to affix these panels to an exterior wall if hanging plants to these outdoor panels.

16- DIY Garden Art Mushrooms
Creating DIY garden art to add personal touches to the garden are always great ideas. Adding personality to a garden allows for creating vignettes and statements in the yard. A fun DIY garden art idea by bobbiesgirl-carole.blogspot is creating simple mushroom art pieces from unused items.
This DIY garden decoration idea incorporates the use of old bowls, dead longs, and a little spray paint. The painted bowls need to be screwed or nailed to a dead log or thick branch and staked in the garden. These DIY mushrooms are a simple garden art project. Include kids in this project or create a surreal storybook design for a true garden statement piece. These DIY garden mushrooms would be perfect for a fairy garden or to add color to a heavily shaded part of the garden.

17- Vertical Tire Planter Box
Instead of using an old, discarded tire as a raised planter on the ground like this one by diyshowoff, why not hang it on the wall and create a unique plant box! Using the waterproof rubber design in a way that works to hold soil, roots, and water; creating a circular vertical plant structure is a cool garden idea. Paint the old tire with a weather resistant paint to help incorporate it to the rest of the garden decoration design.

18- Create a Natural Play Space for Kids
Getting kids to interact outdoors can be difficult with all of the electronics that they seem addicted these days. Why not create a natural play area in the garden for kids to use their imaginations while also enjoying the elements of nature? A garden hideaway for kids like this one by joyfultoddlers.blogspot can be a simple project that also provides vertical structure for plants and vines to grow in the garden.

Create a little trellis house for kids to be able to play in while also supporting vertical growing plants and crops. It will be the best of both worlds. Take some pre-made lattice made for privacy or fencing and build a three-walled structure that provides shelter and shade in the garden. Kids will be attracted to the hideaway and privacy that the structure provides.
19- Skateboard Deck Swing
A cool and kid-friendly DIY garden idea by littlebitfunky is creating a swing from a skateboard deck. When thinking about the design of a skateboard deck, turning it into a swing seems like a great, practical idea. The deck already has holes and grip tape to create a non-slip surface. Use rope or chain as the swinging cord while also using carabiners.
Turning a skateboard deck into a swing for children, larger holes need to be drilled into the skateboard. After this step, the rest of this cheap and budget friendly DIY garden project idea does not require any tools. Simply tying knots and attaching rope to a tree limb or horizontal wood post can complete the project.

20- Hanging PVC Gutter Vertical Garden
Getting garden plants such as herbs off the ground where they can spread or be taken over by weeds are some of the reasons to create a vertical garden structure. Creating a hanging vertical garden with multiple rows of planting space can be a great space saving idea for apartment or condominium patios.
Short lengths of PVC gutter material like this one by goodshomedesign with end caps make this project easy and accessible to any level of DIY gardener. The PVC gutters can be hung with one-eighth inch steel cable which allows for strength. The steel cables can be easily attached to eye hooks. Planting herbs or annuals in this hanging garden is a great idea.

21- Wooden Lean-to Garden Shed
There are several large wooden shed designs like this one by thecavenderdiary that can be purchased and placed in the garden. It is more difficult to find smaller sheds that have the same quality wooden design at a smaller budget-friendly price. Building a small, lean-to shed for garden storage is a practical DIY project for many gardeners to clear space in the garage.
This project tutorial encompasses improvements made to an already existing woodshed design for maximum use and built-to-last construction. The design elements in this tutorial can be implemented to create a wooden shed for garden tool storage. Having a well-built garden shed can be great without having to deal with local building code requirements.

There are several DIY garden ideas for creating useful and practical design elements in the yard. Hopefully the twenty-one DIY projects in this article can provide inspiration to create and add to the garden. Gardens are outdoor living spaces that extend the personality of the homeowners and their design aesthetics. Rather than investing in mass produced garden projects, incorporate personality and a “can-do” attitude to landscape and gardening adventures.