We are living in a time where there is a scarcity of food and global food crisis. Thanks to the internet and other sources, many people have started planting fruits and vegetables in their own garden.
The fruits and vegetables which we are having these days from the market held different hazard the human health. It is because of the increase in demands, these fruits and vegetables are not given proper time to grow out, in fact they are given steroids and other harmful chemicals in order to grow them fast and then harvest and provide them to the market for sale.
Moreover, there are many harmful chemicals and pesticides sprayed on the fruits and vegetables which make them very unhealthy, especially if consumed with skin.
Many people or those who are beginners don’t know how to grow vegetables or how to grow fruit trees in their homes. Many thought that they might need special chemicals, fertilizer and soil to grow, this is not the case and one can grow many fruits and vegetables with ease, just provide them with basic needs such as water, air and sunlight.
Growing a vegetable garden can be a very fun way to spend leisure time. It is a healthy activity, in which both the young and adult can engage themselves, there is no vegetable or fruit better than the ones grown in your own garden, and nothing tastes better, fresh and healthy than that. If you are a beginner, then it is very obvious that you might be in a hurry to sow the seeds and then get the fruits or vegetables for them.
Fruit trees are a great addition to a home landscape. They will provide floral beauty, fragrance, attract pollinators, increase property value, provide shade, and best of all provide delicious fruit to eat. Fast growing fruit trees will provide all the previously mentioned benefits plus branches that will need pruning frequently and can be used to add flavor to smoked meats and vegetables when used on the BBQ.
If you only have space for one fruit tree variety in your landscape, choose one of these 18 fastest producing fruit trees from our list so you can harvest an abundance of fruit in just a few years.
Here is our list of Fast Growing Fruit Trees and Vegetables to plant In your Garden:
1- Peach Tree
One of the fastest growing fruit trees is the Peach tree. The tree can grow a height of 15 feet within a year and will be able to provide come delicious peach too.

2- Apple Tree
Apple is also one of the fast growing fruit trees and is suitable to be grown in garden. A Red Delicious apple tree will start producing sweet, crisp apples in just 3-years. This apple tree variety will reach a mature height of 15-feet, produce white and pink blooms in May, and an abundant crop of Red Delicious apples in September.
Plant apple tree in full sun and moist, well-draining soil. This apple tree is hardy in growing zones 5-8.

3- Avocado
A Hass or Day Avocado tree is the fastest growing fruit tree in the avocado family but these two differ greatly in mature height. The Hass avocado tree will reach a mature height of 20-feet and the Day Avocado tree will be 60-feet when mature. Both trees will begin producing fresh avocados in 3-years.
Plant avocado trees in full sun, well-draining soil, in growing zones 8-11. This fast growing fruit plant will produce avocados in September.

4- Fig Tree
Figs are self-fertile and are a fast fruiting tree that will produce fruit in just 2-years. Figs tree produce blooms in spring and ripe figs are harvested throughout the summer months. The tree will reach a mature height of 30-feet making it an ideal tree for both shade and food in the landscape.
Hardy in growing zones 7-10, fig trees prefer a sunny location and slightly acidic soil. Figs can be eaten fresh or dried, and are often used as a natural sweetener in many recipes. Related: Easy to grow fruit bearing trees.

5- Pear Tree
Pear trees can easily be grown in the garden and are fast growing fruit trees which may not only have a good height within a short period of time but also will be able to produce fruit.
A pear tree will begin to produce sweet fruits 3-7 years after planting. This fast growing fruit tree is hardy in growing zones 3-10 and will ripen its fruit all at once in late summer.
The popular Bartlett pear tree will reach a mature height of 20-feet with an equally wide spread but the dwarf variety will only reach a mature height of 12-feet and have a spread of 10-feet.
Pear trees produce white blooms for 2-weeks in late spring and attract a wide range of pollinators.

6- Apricot Tree
The Early Golden apricot tree is self-fertile and will produce large, golden apricots for two months in mid-summer. The attractive pink and white apricot blooms will appear in early spring, attracting a wide range of pollinators.
Apricot trees grow best in hardiness zone 5-8 and will reach a mature height of 15-feet and have a spread of 15-feet.

7- Lemon
Meyer lemon is one of the fastest growing fruit trees in the citrus family. When grown indoors in a container, Meyer lemons will start producing fruit in just 1-year. It’s one of the easiest fruit trees to grow and can be started from a seed removed from a store bought lemon.
Lemon trees prefer warm climates and grow best in hardiness zones 9-11 but if growing this fast growing fruit tree indoors the climate does not matter. Lemon trees grown in a container will reach a mature size of 1-2 feet, those grown in the landscape will reach 20-feet when mature.
Blooms appear in spring, the fruit develops over summer, and then slowly turns from green to yellow in late fall signaling the fruit is ready to be harvested. Plant lemon trees in full sun and well-draining soil.

8- Mulberry
The large black, sweet mulberries will ripen throughout the summer providing you with an abundant crop of delicious fruit. Mulberry trees are hardy in zones 4-8 and will grow in almost any soil, but prefer full sun and well-draining, rich, slightly acidic soil.
Mature mulberry trees will be 70-80 feet tall when mature and will start bearing fruit in just 3-short years. Mulberries are one of the fastest growing fruit trees, growing 6-feet every 10-years. It will be around 50-feet wide when mature. Ideal tree for fruit and shade in a large landscape.

9- Cherry Tree
Cherry tree can easily be grown in the garden and they may mature within three to four years of planting and will produce the fruit too in three fourth year. Three trees attain a mature height of 16-25 feet. Related: small fruit trees.

10- Coconut tree
Coconut is one of the fruit trees which can grow pretty fast and rapidly. It favors hot and warm climate and are most common fruit trees grown in home, especially in Asian countries where almost every house has coconut trees lined up.
Coconut trees can reach a mature height of 100-feet and thrive in warm tropical climates found in hardiness zones 10-11. It will take about 6-years before the tree will bear coconuts but they have a life cycle of 90 years and will provide coconuts during the entire lifetime of a human.
Once the tree begins to bear fruit, it will be one of the fastest fruits to grow and will provide fresh coconuts year-round. The entire coconut is usable and is prized for its nutritional value and uses in the garden industry. Related: different types of pine trees.

11- Guava Tree
Guava is a fast growing fruit tree that will take 8-years to produce fruits after the seeds are planted. Guava will reach a mature height of 20-feet and will thrive in full sun or partial shade. Most plants are hardy in growing zones 9-10 but Pineapple Guava can withstand very cold winter temperatures and will survive in climates that dip to 5 degrees F.
Guava plants produce the most blooms in spring but they will continue to bloom throughout the year. Each fruit will be ready to harvest about 5-6 months after the bloom appears.

12- Plum Tree
Plums trees are not self-fruiting so you will need to have at least two for cross pollination and fruit production. When two or more plum trees are growing near each other, this fast growing fruit tree will produce fruits in 4-6 years after planting.
Plum trees grow best in hardiness zone 3-8 and are one of the easiest fruit trees to grow. They are also unusual in their bloom time, producing white blooms in late winter and very early spring. The plums will be ripe and ready to harvest all at once, 3-4 months after the blooms appear. This fast growing fruit tree will reach a mature height of 16-feet and be equally as wide. Related: low light indoor trees.

Fast Growing Vegetables:
13- Growing Radishes
If you are looking for some fast growing vegetables plants for which you don’t have to wait for seasons then radishes is your answer. With ease you can plant radishes in your garden, just sow the seeds, mark the area and water them. Within 25 to 30 days you will be able to harvest some gorgeous radishes from your plants. That is right, just within a month from now you might be enjoying some amazing radish salad.

14- Green onions
One of the fast growing vegetables in the vegetable category is the green onions. You can easily harvest the green onion stalk after three to four weeks. Growing normal onions may take around 6 months or more than that, but these green onions can easily by harvested in three to four weeks.

15- Cucumber
The fast growing vegetable seeds are the seed of cucumber. Cucumbers are one of the most preferred vegetables all around the world; they taste great and are cool and refreshing. For many countries, cucumbers have become a top priority vegetable to include in salad or to have along with their lunch or dinner on a daily basis.

16- Zucchini
Another fastest growing vegetable from seeds is the zucchini. Zucchini are favorite vegetables in most countries, and they can grow well in the garden if provided with basic needs. Zucchini can grow within 70 days and can be harvested with ease.

17- Peas
Peas also grow pretty quickly when planted in a house garden. Once the pea has been sown in the soil, it will germinate within ten days. After 60 days the pods will appear which are full grown and ready to be harvested.

18- Turnips
Turnips can also grow well in garden and can be harvested quickly too. After 60 days of sowing, they are ready to be harvested. After 45 days, the turnip leaves can be cut off; they are edible and can be used in different soups, stews and also salads.

Summing Up
So this was the list of fastast growing fruit trees we have prepared for you. Hope our article has helped you to choose any of these trees that you find easy to grow.
I would say the fruit bearing information above is on the optimistic side. I have seen peaches produce fairly quickly, though never seen them grow anywhere near 15 feet per year, maybe 5 at the most. I have had pear and apple trees that I bought in the 2 to 4 foot height range that after 5 years still aren’t producing. I think the soil/light/pollination conditions make a big difference.
great piece kathy….coconut was news…we are a self suffiecient eco cosmicvillage in dera bassi.india….we belive by 2025 such villages will replace cities.towns.old villages of today….see univishwa cosmic on youtube…thanks…nice blog
rice is also a short growing plant. It grows within two to three months.