DIY hanging planters are a great way to showcase your plants without spending a lot of money. Making a lovely plant holder for an inexpensive plant will put the plant at eye level so it will be admired and become a focal point in your environment.
DIY hanging planters can be made for use indoors or outdoors. When space is limited for growing flowers, herbs, fruit, or vegetables, hanging plant holders will increase the growing space so you can grow more plants.
Check out these ideas for 27 lovely DIY hanging planters we have collected for you around the internet that you can make easily. You’ll be sure to find one or two that will be perfect for dressing up your plants and increasing garden space.
1- Hoop Fixed Diy Planter
With the help of embroidery hoop you can make your low cost planter and use it anywhere in your adobe. Get a small bowl, with help of adhesive fix it on the hoop and you are done!
See the detail of this beautiful hanging planter at

2- Leather Brass Hanging Planter
This is one technical idea for drafting indoor plant hanger by vintagerevivals but it would be fun filled activity for you. The cross sheet is made by fixing the brass with floral wire, while leather is used to made the string for attachment. The bowl is fixed in the brass framework – add the plant of your wish in this sophisticated planter.

3- Ice Cream Cone Planter
Get your hands on any waffle mold that is not being used anymore, fill it with modeling clay, and let it settle until it’s solid. Fix the jute rope on the edge so that it gets perfect fix for hanging. You can fill it with fertile soil and add the favorite plants in the basket. It should ideally be placed in balconies or near windows for proper air and sunlight. Get the details for this hanging planter at Hell Natural.

4- Vastlig Bag Planters
This type of planter is ideal to make if you intend to place young plants in it. Don’t worry, the upside down configuration would not bother you much, it is simple, just follow the plan step by step. The bag holders by ikeahackers are easier to tie up to the area where you want to place the pots.

5- Shimmer Rope Planter
Take a small pot, weaving thread (used for covering baskets), shimmer ribbon and jute rope. The maximum time consuming activity would be covering the pot, but it will be way interesting, definitely. You can use shimmer rope in between to create a contrasting effect, once done, fix the jute rope at ends. Add the plants and dirt – gorgeous looking indoor diy planter is ready to be placed in lounge. See the tutorial for this rope hanging planter on Style Me Pretty.

6- Glass Jar planters
All you need is some glass jars (jam jars, pickle jars or whatever) and embroidery floss. The idea is to make it look colorful so choose the colors according to your wish. You can add crochet sheet at the bottom of the bottle and make the rest rope out of the colorful floss. Get the details for this diy hanging planter at

7- Plastic Fishbowl Planters
This is super gorgeous hanging plant holder by abeautifulmess which you can make from plastic fishbowls. Tilt the bowl and fix jack on one side so that you can attach string to it. Fill it with plants and soil and place it on some safe location.

8- Gumboot Planters
How about using old gumboots as diy plant hangers like this one rosinahuber. These look super cute in small gardens, especially if you have kids at home. It would be fun filled activity for them, let them do this for adding beauty of the garden.

9- Metal Mesh Diy Planter
Metal mesh wire, coconut plant fiber hanging (for covering the mesh) and palm scoop is needed to shape this planter. Use the mesh to form cone shape funnel and place it with palm scoop, cover the mesh with coconut fiber and attach pseudo flowers on it to make it appealing. The inner space is sufficient enough to place planter. Attach it to the wall with screw. See this fabulous diy project at

10- Diy Tire Planters
You can use old tires at our available in garages – sizes may vary as per your choice. Keeping the cup and saucer shape in mind, you can easily make a lively planter for your garden. Do not forget to color the tires so that they look attractive, trust me, nobody would ever guess that how you did this miracle job. See how you can make this creative hanging planter at

11- Nylon Rope Planter
Using nylon rope you can make a nice stand as holder. The trick involves cutting the long in equal parts and then braiding it. You can fix the glass funnel inside the space and put your desired plant in it. It acts more like a hanging flower pot. Get the tutorial of this rop hanging planter at

12- Hanging Basket Planter
Look for some hanging baskets that are available with the chain for the purpose of hanging. In case you cannot find them, you can look for simple baskets and attach strings to it. Now, decorate the baskets with old fabric pieces you have at home – this would add beauty to the planter. Work on three or four baskets so that you can decorate the garden. Get the instructions of this diy hanging basket planter at

13- Simple Diy Hanging Planter
Get a white rope, and cut it into equal pieces of 12 cm and tie them to-gather from one end. Than take 2 sides each twist in to give the knitted look and continue to do unless you are left with a few inches which would be required for attaching the planter. Add a flower pot in-between and you are ready to go. See the step by step guide of this hanging planter at

14- Wood Engraved Planter
A wood slice, a pot and rope is all you need. Cut the wood slice from the center to fix the pot, add plants to it and fix the rope on a wall in the garden. Get the details of this wood slice hanging planter at The Hatched Home

15- Wooden Dowel Planter
Make a wooden frame according to the size of the pot so that it can be fixed easily. Attach the strings on the sides of the wooden box so that you can create attachment side. Add the plants to the pot and place the elegant pot wherever you feel it’s required. Get the tutorial of this wooden hanging planter at

16- Wooden Planter Pendent
This plan requires technical expertise for execution, since veneer cutting is involved. You can call over any friend who can help you with completing this gorgeous planter idea. Get the tutorial For Diy planter at Instructables.

17- Recycled Stick and Water Bottle Planter
Discover how you can recycle sticks and water bottles into a lovely hanging planter in this YouTube video.
Gather up a few sticks from your yard that are close to the same diameter and save four empty water bottles for this easy DIY project. These video instructions will show you how to put them together to create a unique hanging planter.
Use the stick planter to root plant cuttings in water or to grow small containers of plants. Ideal for suspending from another hanging planter to create a two tiered planter and double your growing space. You may also like to check out Hanging herb garden ideas.
18- Three Pot Hanging Planter
This DIY hanging plant holder will hold three potted plants and triple your growing space. Great for use indoors or outdoors, this simple wooden planter idea uses pre-made wood dowels and rope to create an attractive and functional hanging planter.
If you have a lot of plants but only have a little space, this DIY hanging planter by themerrythought will be beneficial to you. It will provide space for three pots to be grown together and it will look nice anywhere you hang it.

19- Metal Bowl Hanging Planters
You will be able to easily make these DIY hanging planters by abeautifulmess with a few inexpensive metal bowls.
Browse through your favorite thrift shop to find metal bowls and decorative chains at a discounted price for this project. This idea shows you how to use hammered gold plated metal bowls in various sizes to create a lovely decorative effect for hanging indoor houseplants.
You can use metal bowls in different colors and/or sizes to create these lovely hanging planters, then suspend them from the ceiling at varying heights for an even greater visual impact. Great for use indoors or outdoors.

20- Three Shelved Hanging Planter
Here is a DIY plant hanger idea by shanty-2-chic that will create an attractive space for several small pots of plants. Three wooden shelves will hold up to nine little planters, and these detailed instructions will show you how to make a hanging planter like this one.
If you have some leftover scrap wood from another building project, this hanging planter will be almost free for you to make. It’s also quick to build and can be painted or stained to match your home decor. The way the wooden boards are put together will create a front ledge so none of the pots will fall off of the shelves.

21- Vertical Plant Hanger
These free plans will show you how to transform scrap wood into a lovely vertical plant hanger like in this idea by theinspirationboard. The scrap wood can be any width or length, and you can create as many shelves as you would like with this idea.
If you have several tiny pots of plants, create a vertical planter that has a multitude of small shelves that are just the right size for the pots. If your plants are in larger pots, create a vertical planter with fewer shelves that are large enough to accommodate the pots.
This hanging planter is simple and easy to make, plus it can be customized to meet your specific needs.

22- Recycled T-Shirt Hanging Planters
T-shirt fabric is extremely strong and durable and it will make a unique hanging planter. Most of us have old T-shirts that are stained or ripped and beyond wearing, and these are the type that are ideal for recycling into DIY hanging planters like this one by lifeisagarden.
When you follow these plans, the results resemble a macrame hanging planter. The T-shirts are cut into strips and tied together to form a hanging plant holder. The colorful T-shirt fabric will add a splash of color to your indoor or outdoor living space.

23- Wooden Slat Planter
This YouTube video will show you how to take 1 inch wooden slats and create a unique hanging planter like in this YouTube video. that will hold one potted plant. If you don’t have wooden slats, the YouTube video will also show you how to take tree branches that are the same diameter and create a lovely hanging planter.
What makes this idea unique is the painting of half of each piece of wood. One half of each wood slat or tree branch is painted a different color and the colors are alternated on the planter. The result is attractive and functional, perfect for an indoor hanging planter.
24- Hanging Holder Trays
Learn how to make DIY macrame plant hangers by watching this YouTube video. This idea creates hanging holder trays that can be used to hold a couple of small planters, a vase with cut flowers, photos, or anything else that you would like to place on them.
The macrame is easy to create, durable, and strong. You can use any color of yarn to create the macrame and the trays can be anything flat. Make two tiered or single hanging plant holders with these simple instructions.
25- Geometric Plant Hanger
If soft, round interior shapes are not your favorite design element, consider this hard, geometric plant hanger for your living space.
Made with lengths of copper tubing, this geometric plant hanger by anotherbigbite is easy to make and is sure to become a focal point in any room. Sturdy copper tubing can support the weight of a potted plant and will add a hard design element to the soft plant and rounded edges or the planter.

26- Diamond Shaped Planter
Here is a great way to use scrap strips of wood to create a uniquely shaped DIY hanging planter like this one by deucecitieshenhouse. Use these free instructions to create diamond shaped hanging planters that will showcase your potted plants.
So easy to build these planters and they will last for years. Perfect for use indoors or outdoors, paint the wood in a color that will compliment your decor and enable your plants to become the focal point of your living space.

27- Hanging Shelf For Succulents
Succulents are so small that they often get overlooked if they are displayed on an ordinary plant shelf. This DIY idea by hometalk will show you how to create a hanging shelf that will showcase those small potted succulents and make them a focal point in the room.
This hanging wooden shelf can be used to display real or faux succulents, no one will know the difference but you. The round shelf is pre-cut and can be found at any home improvement store and will be large enough to hold 2-3 small pots of succulents. The pre-cut wood reduces the building work so minimal work is involved in this DIY project and the cost is very reasonable.