Indoor vine plants make the inside of your home more attractive and healthier, plus they are easy to care for. A home that has house plants, especially indoor climbing plants, will look more lavish and expensive.
Living plants help to purify the air and an indoor vine plant can extend throughout a room to help occupants breathe easier day and night. Choose from our list of the best 17 popular vine plants we have make a round up of that are easy to care for so you can make your home appear more lavish and purify indoor air.
Vine House Plants
1- Betel Leaf Plant
The first one we have is an indoor vine plant that is native to India and it produces heart-shaped leaves that look like they have been coated with wax. The plant is a member of the pepper family and the leaves are prized for their medicinal and culinary uses.
Betel leaf is a slow-growing vine that produces mildly scented white flowers in the spring. The vine will reach about 3 feet in length when mature. Place potted planted in a low-light location that is out of the way of drafts and air conditioning vents. This vine plant likes warm temperatures that won’t dip below 50F. If betel leaf gets too cold it will drop its leaves.
Keep soil moist and feed vine every other month. Leaves can be harvested when the plant is 6 months old. You may also like to have a view of other types of plants you can grow indoors such as: house plants to clean indoor air.

2- Arrowhead Vine
This indoor vine thrives on a little neglect and is ideal for someone who is often away from home for a few days at a time. Arrowhead vine needs to dry out between watering and fertilized once a month during the active growing season. Mist vine during the winter and stop fertilizing.
Place arrowhead vine in a bright location but not in direct sunlight.
The leaves change shape as the plant matures, beginning as an arrowhead shape, and then changing into three to five finger-like sections

3- Black-Eyed Susan Vine
The Black-Eyed Susan Vine is so easy to grow indoors in a hanging basket, all it needs is a little water and a lot of sunshine. It’s easy to train to grow vertically also and will wrap itself around any vertical structure.
The vine will reach a mature length of 8 feet and grows best in loamy, slightly acidic soil that drains well. This fast-growing vine needs plenty of water but dislikes soggy soil
This is one of the best climbing plants I like the most to grow indoors if you want bloom color. Black-eyed Susan vine will produce blooms all summer in white, yellow, red, or orange. You may also like to have a view of other types of plants you can grow indoors such as: hanging herb garden ideas for indoors.

4- Burro’s Tail Vine Plant
Attractive succulent plant with waxy blue-green leaves that resemble long hair that has been braided. Burro’s tail likes dry soil, indirect sunlight, and warm temperatures.
The soil should remain moist at all times but over-watering this indoor vine plant will cause the roots to rot. Burro’s tail also grows best in a room that remains consistently warm.
Plant this vine house plant in a hanging basket so the unusual-looking ‘tails’ can spill over the side. Tails will reach a mature length of 1-2 feet.

5- Creeping Fig Vine Plant For Indoor
It’s a fast-growing creeping vine with small, leathery dark green foliage. Vigorous-growing, clinging, dense branches adhere to any surface and look enchanting as a ground cover, climbing up an outdoor fence or spilling over a hanging basket indoors.
Creeping fig is versatile and can be grown indoors or outdoors as long as it receives plenty of indirect sunlight. A mature vine can reach up to 30 feet in length but can be kept pruned to any desired length.
Water only when the top of soil becomes dry and feed only twice each year; once in the spring and again in the summer. Do not feed vine in fall and winter. Spritz vine with water during the winter to increase humidity and decrease the amount of water poured onto soil. You may also like to have a view of other types of plants you can grow indoors such as: small and large indoor plants.

6- Heartleaf Philodendron
Also known as the Sweetheart plant because of its heart-shaped leaves that start bronze then turn to a glossy green color as the leaf matures.
Heartleaf philodendron will reach a mature length of 4 feet and the plant will need to be pinched back occasionally to keep it looking full. Pinch after a leaf node (the place where a leaf is attached to the stem). A new stem will grow from that node and more heart-shaped leaves will be produced on this indoor vine plant.
Place plant in a bright location but not in direct sunlight. Keep soil moist from spring through fall, but reduce water during the winter months. This indoor vine plant loves humidity and is an ideal house plant to place in the bathroom.

7- Hoya Vine
The hoya vine has beautiful waxy foliage, produces fragrant flowers, and is super easy to grow indoors. The trailing stems of this indoor vine plant will reach one foot in length along with clusters of aromatic waxy flowers when the plant is mature.
The large waxy leaves hold water so this plant needs very little water to grow. Place plant in a bright location but not in direct sunlight. Hoya is fast growing and will produce blooms when less than one year old.

8- Inch Plant For Indoor
Also called Wandering Jew or Purple Heart, this indoor vine plant has been around forever and can be grown outdoors also.
The leaf colors vary and range from deep purple to green and purple stripes. The trailing steam and lush foliage look stunning in a hanging basket. In mid-summer, the Inch plant will produce tiny purple flowers.
Place this vine house plant in a location where it will be in bright light and receive a little direct sunlight every day. The leaf color will fade if this vine does not receive a little direct sun daily.

9- Ivy Indoor Vine
Ivy is a slow-growing house plant as compared to the other one we have in this list that is happy to sit on a shelf among books and knick-knacks all its life. It’s an easy-care indoor vine that thrives in medium to bright light.
Ivy does not like soggy soil, so wait until the top inch of soil is dry before watering. If this vine house plant is over-watered the leaves will turn brown and the plant will eventually die. The vine does like humidity and it makes a great addition to a bathroom. Spritz daily with water to increase humidity.

10- Golden Pothos
Golden pothos is a fast-growing vine and is virtually indestructible. Also known as devil’s ivy this indoor vine plant grows equally well in shade or sunlight, but the green and yellow leaf color will be brighter when the vine is grown in a sunny location.
This popular indoor vine plant can be allowed to grow unchecked to create a long, flowing vine that can easily reach around a room or it can be kept pinched back to create a more compact houseplant suitable for displaying on a table or desktop.

11- Jasmine Vine Plant
This hard-working indoor vine plant gives you a fast-growing green vine, white flowers, and a delightful fragrance. Blooms appear on this house plant in mid-winter and produce the strongest fragrance at night.
Jasmine vine plant grows best in a porous soil mix that contains compost and tree bark. Place the plant in a south-facing window so it will receive bright, indirect light. Feed every month during the growing season. Water when the top of soil becomes dry.

12- Maiden Hair Vine
This hardy vine looks like it has a bad case of bed-head hair. Long, wiry stems are covered in tiny little oval leaves and stick out in every direction from the planter. This vine is native to New Zealand and stems will reach a mature length of 8 inches. Grow in medium light and water only when soil becomes dry.

13- Indoor Philodendron Vine
This easy-care indoor vine plant grows well in low-light conditions and will wrap itself around any stationary object. Philodendron needs bright light to grow but not direct sunlight. If direct sunlight touches the leaves they will turn yellow and fall off.
Wait until the top inch of soil dries out before watering and use a water-soluble plant food once a month to keep vine well-fed and growing strong.

14- Passionflower For Indoor
This indoor vine plant produces large fragrant flowers that will fill a room with a sweet fragrance. The spent blooms will fall off naturally so you won’t have to dead-head old blooms to keep vine looking good.
Place vine in a bright location away from direct sunlight. Keep soil moist but not soggy. Fertilize twice a year, once in spring and again in mid-summer.

15- String of Pearls
String of pearls is a low-maintenance creeping succulent that tolerates prolonged drought and does well in a bright light location. It grows equally well in its own planter or is happy to share space with other plants.
The leaves look like small green bubbles growing along the stem and give the appearance of a string of green pearls. The plants also produce tiny white flowers that have an aroma similar to cinnamon.
Water sparingly and keep out of reach of children and pets as this indoor vine plant is poisonous when eaten.

16- Spider Plant
One of the easiest indoor vine plants to grow and to propagate. The spider plant is so named because of its small spider-like plants that dangle down from the mother plant like spiders on a web.
New plants can be created by pinching off one of the tiny ‘spiderettes’ and placing it in potting soil.
Place this house plant in bright, indirect sunlight and water only when the top inch of soil becomes dry. Fertilize once in the spring.

17- Swiss Cheese Vine
This is a large-leafed, unusual looking trailing plant that makes a great evergreen plant for a vacant corner in any room. The vine produces large green leaves that have holes in them, like Swiss cheese.
Place this vine in a location that is bright but away from direct sunlight. Keep soil moist but not soggy. Fertilize in spring and summer but not in fall and winter. You may also like to have a view of other types of plants you can grow indoors such as: low light indoor trees.

Bring indoor vine plants in your home that add beauty and fragnant flowers. After growing through a vast options of indoor vine plants we have shared with you can help you to decide any one from the list and inspiration for indoor plants. Hope you like our article!